
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting the Biggest Bang From Monster

If you've received poor response from your online career site
submissions, you'll soon change all that because here's a secret that
most folks don't even know about. Today, we're going to use a
Recruiter's Secret and use specific, pre-selected keywords. Were going
to build a more effective online profile that will draw far more
responses from Monster and other online sites.

So, lets get started.

Once you register on Monster, choose: "Build Your Resume Online".

They allow you to set up 5 different resumes or profiles. Let's just
set one up for now. There are only 5 major areas that we will be
concerned with here:

1. Target Job Title
2. Objective
3. Resume Title
4. Job Title
5. Work Experience

Tip: every one of these fields has keyword capability, so you must use
each of these areas to the fullest extent by including as many keywords
as are relevant, for example:

Target Job Title: 2,880 character limit. That's almost 4/5's of a page,
if you were to fill it up! List as many different job titles as you can
imagine for this role. List other closely allied titles that the
searcher may be searching on. For instance, "Java Programmer" might
also be titled as "Software Engineer", "Application Developer", or
"Software Developer" within even the same corporation, not to mention
other companies. How many different but similar titles can you come up
with? Put them all here.

Objective: This is your stated job goal and has a 2,000 character
limit. Just as we talked about in yesterday's lesson, transfer that
keyword-rich objective from your revised resume to here. You should
have a decent short paragraph that showcases and combines your current
skills and your future goals. Remember, you want to stay away from
standard cliches such as "Challenging opportunity as a (title) where I
can effectively use my (managing and sales, etc.) skills in my ongoing
effort to help grow an organization, Hudson Brothers Razzle Dazzle Show blah" This is not only
boring, its also highly ineffective. Instead try something like:
"Solid Java Developer with strong (skill#1), (skill#2), and (skill#3)
to make major programming ortho evra birth control to remote server projects while
growing to project lead role. The difference is each of the above
underlined terms is now searchable. Use each section in your resume to
answer one question only. By putting several keyword phrases under each
section, you tighten up your focus and make your profile work for you
by getting search engine hits when employers run database searches.

Resume Title: Not much to work with here as only 70 characters are
allowed. Make it a key term that is most relevant and searchable.

Job Title: This (these) is (are) your current and past job titles and
has a 5,831 character limit. That's 1&1/2 pages!! Put as many relevant
titles as you can think of here that you have held in your past work
progression. There is a huge amount of space here, so you may want to
include specific job skill-sets that each of those titles required.
Don't be bashful.

Work Experience: 3,000 character limit. Here is where you make sure to
include every relevant skill-set that you possess. Keep to the bare
facts. Almost every word you put here should be a searchable term. You
want them to Inapond you and here is your catchall chance to do it. Also,
since many employers are looking for people who have, or are working
for certain companies or organizations, make sure that you list every
corporation that you have not only worked for but also have done
business with as a client.

Summary Dont rush this process. The online resume-builder will act as
both a resume and as a screening tool. This will gain you the edge as a
screen-in tool rather that a screen-out tool.

Your objective is the same in all these online resume posting sites.
Make it keyword-rich and you will definitely get more hits. More hits
will generate more calls.

Joe Turner, the "Job Search Guy", makes it easy to quickly land that next job. To claim your free 6-part Recruiter Secrets Minicourse, visit