
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Direct Selling Games

Purpose Of Home Party Plan Games

FUN is the single most important thing for the success of your shows. If you are having a hard time scheduling more shows that is a sign that you are not providing enough FUN Idaho Lemon Laws your shows. When people have FUN you will have a full calendar. Making sure that you are organized enough to relax at he show is essential to you having FUN. When you have FUN then your guests will have FUN and they will invite you to their house. Games can be the answer to FUN, or they can be considered a bore by the guests. Do not assume that a game is always the answer to FUN. People will tolerate a lot and there is one thing they will not accept it is being bored. If you are playing show games, and having a hard time scheduling shows, then maybe you have to reconsider the effectiveness of the game, or whether your hosts and guests are enjoying the games. There are many games to play at direct selling parties and the important thing is to be sure that they are serving four purposes:

  • Sell product
  • Schedule shows
  • Share the opportunity
  • Provide value to the participants

I say that FUN is the key to show success because FUN is a commodity that people put value on. When you establish value at your shows then your business will roll along forever. Fun has huge value! If your guests are enjoying the games you are playing at your home party plan business show, you will know it because the other 3 purposes will be benefiting home refinancing information well. For home party games that provide value and also give you more sales, the ability to schedule more shows and also create more interested leads to sign up as sales consultants go to">Direct Sales Games

Deb Bixler retired from the corporate world in 1999 to enjoy life as an entrepreneur. In the first 9 months as a direct seller she replaced her corporate business salary of $80,000 per year. Deb achieved the top honors offered in her company in personal sales every year for 7 years in a row and earned the President's Club 5 of those 7 years.">Direct Sales Motivation and Training