
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Compact Discs' Coup De Grace on Audio Market

The events have been already unfolded on the warring of different audio storage formats. Music CDs have been the best in making it all digital. It first emerged in the early 90's. They are still very expensive and vinyl records are quite enjoying the final curtain at that time.

Fast forward, there is now Lithium comeback on the sales of vinyl discs. This is very unbelievable because these vinyl records are once and for all considered "DEAD". But its resurrection had not been expected. CD sales had been plunging not because of the shift on Vinyl Records but due to the expedient marketing of digital paid downloading.

iPods and MP3 music players have been luring music consumers to buy digital music and the market becomes so promising and very bullish.

Vinyl records had been reaching 990,000 vinyl albums sold in 2007, up 15.4% from the 858,000 units bought in 2006. Mike Dreese, CEO of Newbury Comics, a New England chain of independent music retailers that sells LPs and CDs, says his vinyl sales were up 37% last year, and Patrick Amory, general manager of indie label Matador Records, whose artists include Cat Power and the New Pornographers, claims, "We can't keep up with the demand."

Vinyl had been the favorite physical format by indie music lovers and audiophiles. By this conviction alone and the demand it might be the final nail to Compact Disc's Coffin. Various bands are releasing their vinyl version of their albums. Big music labels are now eyeing to publish music in vinyl records.

"I'm hearing from labels and distributors that vinyl is way up," said Ian Connelly, client auto insurance rates comparison manager of independent distributor alliance IODA.

Vinyl records look promising and it might be hanging around with us.

Jay Dy is a collector of rare vinyls or collectible records who owns a wide array of old vinyls and stuffs. As far as hard to find music records or simply musicobsessionrare vinyl records are your concern. It is best to recommend you to my musicobsessionrare vinyl records website.

Fun Math Games That Develop Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is a most valuable skill for children to develop. It requires the ability to observe, take in different pieces insurance quotes online information, analyze information, plan and analyze possible solutions and select appropriate actions.

Strategic thinking is a form of problem solving. Everyday we are required to solve problems. Everyday we need solutions. Problem solving is an essential skill in our work life, home life and social life.

Games like chess and backgammon are ideal for teaching strategic thinking. However these games require the game equipment and have complex rules that can take some time to learn and master. They are also games that take some time to play.

Instead of using these complex games there are some math games that are much simpler for children to learn and play. Have a go at teaching these games to children and you'll find that you'll be hooked on playing too.

This is a challenging game of strategy for two people. It is simple to learn and quick to play and children love to play again and again.
To play Corners draw a 10 by 10 grid. Each player uses a different colored pen.
- Both players start in opposite corners.
- Players take turns at coloring a breakdown cover of 2 squares that are joined by a side.
- Every block that is colored after the first one must join to one of the other colored blocks that has been colored by that player, but only at the corner.
- A player can not have 2 of their colored blocks joined along a side.
- When a player is unable to color a block of 2 squares, he is out and the other player is the winner.

This is a simple but challenging game for 2 people.
To play Sprouts draw three random dots on a sheet of paper.
- Each player takes turns at drawing a curved line to link 2 dots then placing another dot somewhere along the line.
- There are 2 rules for this game - no line can cross another line and no dot can have more than 3 lines leaving it.
- The last player who is able to make a join is the winner.

These games can be played in different ways in different situations.
- Use pencil and paper to play or play on a whiteboard or blackboard.
- Play on the computer by drawing a table in a Microsoft Word doc for Corners or by drawing dots and lines for Sprouts. This will also give practice at computer skills at the same time.
- Play in the classroom on the board with one side of the room challenging the other side.
- In the classroom, have a tournament by pairing students off to play against each other. Winners of each game can play again in the next round and then continue until a class champ is found.

There are many other simple strategy games that kids love to play.
At first children may choose to play in a random manner but they can be encouraged to develop strategies that will improve their chance of winning.

If you are looking for a great strategy to develop strategic thinking - start looking at math games.

Teresa Evans is a teacher and parent who uses math games to get kids excited about math. She shares her favorite math games at makingmathmorefunMakingMathMoreFun. Game sheets for Sprouts and Corners can be printed from the Making Math More Fun. You can receive your own 7 part math games collection when you visit makingmathmorefunmakingmathmorefun

How to Improve Your Memory Using a Packet of Cards

Memory is like a muscle, it must be constantly developed to get good and if left, it can turn into a flabby muscle.

One way I find refinance mortgage refinance to train my memory is by using a packet of normal 52 playing cards. This helped me when learning Greek memory techniques. You basically assign a name to each card and then play out a story in your mind. Names are assigned by assigning the numbers 1-10 a letter. For me 7 looked like a 'T' so I picked that, pick whatever works for you.

Jack of Diamonds = JD = Jack Daniels whisky
10 of Hearts = H10
I picked number 10 to be an 'S' so its (HS) which to me is a ship

You then take your images and put them into a story. Like a bottle of Jack Daniels being smashed on the side of a huge ship. Make it as vivid as possible.

Later when you have memorised the story by running through it a few times, you simply run through the story unraveling each image into a card. This is great for getting imagination and memory working.

One tip is to start small by memorising just 3 cards and then moving onto 4, 5, mesthelioma etc. Starting with a full 52-set will be too hard unless you've had experience before.

If you find this interesting look up 'Greek memory techniques' on Google. or purchase Derren Browns book - Trick of the mind which I found really useful.

Tired of poor memory? Feel like you've tried everything else? charliemontague.wordpress2008/10/15/the-best-ebook-ive-read-on-memory/Click Here to think like Einstein and make money like Bill Gates.