
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tweaks to Speed Up Internet Streaming Video

The birth of Guerilla Video sites, such as, and have given users instant access to a plethora of free media files. Although streaming video technology offers instant access to video files, zero loading time is not always possible. There are many factors that attribute to your computer's ability to start videos immediately. Other factors such as choppy PC video playback and slow video streaming also hinder your viewing experience. There are easy fixes to these problems. Sometimes choosing another site dotnet web hosting the source of the video streaming or a lower quality version of the video can award you with instant play. These alternatives are not always available. However, there are a number of tweaks that help speed up your streaming video startup times, eliminate choppy PC video play and stop slow streaming video.

Before we start with the tweaks to speed up slow streaming video, lets get a basic understanding of streaming video technology in order to stop choppy video. Streaming video is a prerecorded video files that can be distributed as part of a live broadcast "feed." The video signal is converted into a compressed digital signal and transmitted from a Web server. This server is able to be multicast the same file to multiple users at the same time. When you click on the on the video it is partially loaded before you can access it. This is known as buffering. This helps you to load and play the video instantaneously. Now lets take a look on how to cut down on buffering time, stop slow streaming video and eliminate choppy PC video playback .

Common Streaming Video Problems

Problem #1: Choppy PC Video Playback--Choppy video is usually a PC performance related issue. Here are a few things you can try to stop choppy playback and improve computer performance.

Solution A. Turn Off Hardware AccelerationAll media applications require different aspects of your computer's hardware. Depending on the task, the requirements may change. Turning off hardware acceleration allows the application to set the requirements itself and not be forced to use one universal setting. Hardware acceleration has been to known to cause choppy PC playback, application crashes and slow streaming video problems.

You can eliminate the problem below:

1.Click on Start

2.Click Control Panel

3.Select the Settings tab and click on the Advanced.

4.Click on the Troubleshoot tab.

5.Disable the hardware acceleration completely by dragging the slider to the extreme left.

Solution B. Turn off Video AccelerationThe reason for this tweak is the similar to hardware acceleration. This act frees up resources in your media player and not your hardware. However you will need to decrease video acceleration in your chosen player. Some sites like don't offer this option. However, Windows Media Player gives the ability to easily alter this problem, follow the steps below. Other players' instructions will vary.

1. In Windows Media Player

2. Click the Tools menu tab

3. Click on Options

4. Select the Performance tab.

5. Move the Video Acceleration Slider to None

Solution C. Adjust your Windows Desktop Visual EffectsYou computer will get a significance boost in
speed. This tweak will also free up more resources for your media player and PC performance.

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2.Click System and Choose "Display".

3.Find the Advanced tab and Click

4.Under Performance, Click Settings

5.Under Visuals Effects, you may choose from a list of options such as Adjust for best performance or custom. If you choose Adjust for best performance all the features will be unchecked.

For more performance tips check the to Speed Up Your PC to free up more resources to stop PC choppy playback.

Problem #2: Slow and Constant BufferingThis problem can be attributed to two factors internet speed and your media player. You can tweak your PC setting in both areas to cut down on slow streaming video. Remember that each player has its own buffer settings. Below is an how to change buffer setting in Media Player.

Solution A. Adjust Buffer Settings-- To change the default buffer settings in Windows Media Player, use the following steps:

1.Start Windows Media Player

2.Click the View men

3.Click Options

4.On the Advanced tab, click Streaming Media(Windows Media)

5.Click Change to alter the buffer settings.

Remember that the higher you set the buffer the more of the clip will be loaded. The waiting time before you can see or hear the file will be longer, but there should be fewer interruptions once the clip begins to play.

Solution B. Use a Video Specific ProxyA proxy allows for popular files to be loaded onto its servers. This eliminates the need for your computer to load the files. For example if you use the proxy,, you will not have to wait for your computer to download popular content because it may be already loaded in the server. This is a great way to stop slow streaming video.

These are just a few tips to eliminate choppy PC video playback and slow streaming video. However, there are more advanced ways to stop this problem. Depending on the site, there may be independent software developed specifically to speed up slow streaming video. Also, remember the general maintenance is a good way to avoid choppy PC video playback.

For more speed tips visit:

And to solve other common PC problems visit:

Video Game Addiction - The Seduction of Virtual Life

The Seduction

The internet can be an escape from the world for many people, and for some people it can be an escape from themselves.

The internet has become a playground for many people to act out fantasies and take on new identities that were not possible before. This relatively new technology is allowing people to indulge in fantasies in much more sophisticated and "real" ways. The internet provides the dangerous combination of anonymity, impunity and no accountability.

Online Fantasies

Some studies show that as many as two-thirds of people who socialize online change their age or gender - But it is also often taken further. A quiet teenager in an online multiplayer game could be a powerful warlock and rule over a large virtual realm. Or an adult man could pretend to be a 14 year old boy talking to adolescent girls online. Either way, spending hours a day in this virtual identity, disconnected from reality, can lead to skewed and unbalanced real identities.


Although some hesitate to call it an addiction, there are clearly some people who have developed a strong dependency. Often times, getting overly involved in a secondary self is just an outlet for more serious issues. Problems at home or school or shyness and social phobia can lead people to find ways to live a life free of these stresses and anxieties. By pretending to be someone else, one can feel empowered and boost their self esteem while being acknowledged by anonymous others also in the system.

This can have a negative effect, as a person finds that they can relate less and less to those around them. As people spend more time online becoming deeply involved in a virtual identity, they can start to associate themselves more with their online selves than their real selves. Feelings of isolation can be compounded and the only friends one has to turn to are those who know you in the fantasy world.

No one knows the extent of the problem. Many people who get engrossed in another identity online will be spending much of their time in their room or a basement or a dark corner of an internet caf. The relationships that can develop through online chatting and socializing can be very real and satisfying, but without bill consolidation loan student to face interaction, there is no stability or framework for trust.

If young people become too used to interacting online where anything goes and they can be anybody, it can handicap their real social skills for the future. Online fantasy role playing can be a unhealthy escape for some people who need to confront and cope with more serious issues.

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