
Monday, March 30, 2009

Cheerleading Uniforms

Cheerleading uniforms come in a variety of colors, sizes, and designs, all worn to proudly represent the school or team they are a part of. Generally the colors are the same as the school mascot with the exception of cheerleading competition teams who arent affiliated with a school or sporting team. They select their own colors.

Most cheerleading uniforms have the same basic items. The tops can be with or without sleeves and in many instances they are very short. The skorts, a combination of a skirt with two separate leg wholes like a pair of shorts, is worn as the bottom half of the uniform. In areas where the temperature changes from one extreme to the other, the cheerleading uniform may be a short sleeved shirt with a skort one day and then a long sleeved shirt with matching sweatpants the next. Shoes and socks are also chosen to match the rest of the uniform. Pompoms and megaphones are often accessories used with the cheerleader uniform.

The cost of cheerleading uniforms can run several hundred dollars per individual on the squad. Most schools require the cheerleader to purchase her own but some of the larger schools with more funding are able to no win no fee compensation the cost. To help offset the cost of cheerleading uniforms it is very common for them to hold various types of fundraisers in an effort to raise money. These fundraisers can be car washes, bake sales, or asking for donations from area businesses.

With the various moves and routines cheerleaders participate in, they have to be more than just comfortable and look great. The uniforms have to be durable and allow the individual the ability to stretch without any confinement. The shoes used for cheerleading have to be non-slip and they have to offer a great deal of support for the ankles.

Most small girls love the idea of being a cheerleader. It is one of the most popular Halloween costumes out there. It can then become an added item to their dress up box that they can wear over and over again. Cheerleaders proudly wear their costumes as a representation of their status among one of the most popular sports around.

Levels for the recognition of having the very best cheerleading squad out there.

The ultimate Guide To Cheerleading. href="">

Retirement - The Real Cost of Procrastination

Have no win non fee accident ever considered the cost of waiting to start saving? When you do it will make you sick. If you want to accumulate $1,000,000 when you are 65, how much would you have to save? It all depends on when you get started.

If you start when you are 20 you have to save $300 a month. Now that seems like a lot for a 20 year old but maybe it isnt. Avoid a trip to Starbucks each day and make your lunch and you are looking at $10 a day in savings. $300 a month easily.

In any event, $300 a month saved for 540 months at 7% gives a future value of $1,137,000. If you wait until you are 30 to start saving, that $300 is only worth $540,000 when you are 65!

Not Saving $36,000 in Your Twenties Costs You $597,000 When You Are 65! That is nearly $600,000. What could you do with $600,000?

See how changing one small habit can make a huge difference in your life. The news is this does not just apply to rich people. Poor people who systematically put money away can accumulate more than they imagined.

My Grandfather put the change from his tips into coffee cans everyday when he got home from working his second career (after retiring on a minimal pension he bagged groceries at a supermarket. In fact when he reached the maximum working age at the national chain he had to move for the next ten years to a local grocery store). He used his paycheck for living and his tips for saving. When he died, we found over $20,000 in coins stored in the attic of his barn.

Systematic saving is a powerful tool. When combined with compound interest it is a killer app for a secure financial future.

Lesson 1: It is never too early to start saving.

Lesson 2: It is never too late to start saving.

Lesson 3: Start today - saving anything is better than not starting at all.

See a professional to help you identify unnecessary wealth transfers (taxes, consumer interest, and the like) that can give you the money to save

Cliff Davis has over 30 years of experience in financial matters including mortgages, personal financial management and business management. He founded the Attain Advisor Network with the mission to bring financial independence to American families. Working through a network of CPA's and Tax Preparers the Attain Advisor Network is helping families understand the Real Secrets of Money and make more on the money they have. To find an Attain Advisor in your area please email Cliff at href="">

To become an Attain Advisor visit our website at href="">

To learn more about how money works and how to save more visit href="">