
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is Solar Energy Really?

Solar energy is the energy that is produced by our sun. During the fusion process that the sun undergoes during its lifetime, it emits radiation. The fusion process produces IRS trouble different wavelengths Montana Lemon Laws radiation and sub-atomic particles.

Collecting and converting usable energy from solar radiation can be accomplished by using many different forms of technology and includes various direct and indirect methods of harnessing the solar energy.

There are basically two ways to use this solar radiation, by collecting the heat from the light, and photovoltaic conversion of the light.

There are many different methods of collecting the heat and converting it to electricity, and many ways of converting the light as well. I'll keep it simple here and give just a few examples.

One of the simplest ways that people use solar heat energy is by using greenhouses. A greenhouse is built so that it can best collect the sunlight and heat that it receives from the sun. Using special glass or plastics, the greenhouse and everything within it retains the heat energy from the sun. This heat is trapped inside the greenhouse by the roof and walls allowing plants to grow in an otherwise too cold climate.

By combining various technologies and the use of alternative power sources such as electricity from the grid, a controlled growing climate can be maintained to optimize specialty and agricultural crop growth.

A large greenhouse could make use of a solar updraft tower to generate most or all of the additional electricity it may require to keep the climate controlled.

A solar updraft tower is a simple use of the excess heat generated by light heat that the greenhouse receives. Heated air rises. Heated air is channeled from along the ceilings of the greenhouse and directed into a tower. The hot air rises and the turbine blades are pushed by the hot air rushing past them to generate electricity. Storing any excess power in batteries for the night when there is no sun can also keep the use of grid power to a minimum.

Expanding on the collection of heat from the sun, there are power plants in the hot sunny desert areas that collect the heat from the sun and convert the heat to electricity.

Some of these solar energy plants make use of curved, highly reflective and focused surfaces to optimize the collection of heat from the sunlight. They focus the light onto a central tube that is filled with synthetic oil that gets very hot. This hot oil is then piped into a boiler filled with water that is flashed into steam from the heat of the oil. The steam produced is then used to turn turbines that produce electricity. This is a highly effective way to convert solar energy into usable power.

Another way to collect the energy from the sun is through direct photovoltaic conversion. What this means is that the light is converted into electricity by using special materials called photodiodes that are made into cells. The photodiodes emit electrons when the photons from the sunlight hits them. By using arrays of the special cells and electrically connecting them together, enough power is produced by the transduction process to make it a worthwhile alternative energy.

As more and more people demand the use of free solar energy, governments as well as businesses are subsidizing researchers, and these combined efforts are meeting this demand by coming up with materials that can produce more and more energy from a given amount of sunlight. Solar electricity produced by arrays of solar panels is now almost as cost effective as using petroleum, coal, and nuclear generated power.

I hope I have explained this reasonably well to you the reader, and am only expressing what I know on a personal level. I make no claims to be an authority figure, nor anything other than an interested party.

Thanks for reading!

My hobbies are science, science fiction, particle physics, astronomy, and so much more. I have recently devoted more time to a couple of websites that I have had registered since last August including: scifipiescifipie and forums.scifipieforums.scifipie

I would love visitors and contributors to my sites! Your ideas on helping us all to go green are also appreciated. Save the planet! I hope to contribute more articles soon!

The Single Mother Business Person

The business person is considered a doer first. The business person does then if all goes well, reaps rewards from her efforts. Just about any single mother has what it takes to be a business person. Look at all the work they take on outside of the day job.But what else does it take to be a single mother business person?

To be a successful business person you must reprogram your thinking.You will no longer be working like an employee expecting to receive dollars gieco auto insurance hours. Let's not confuse business person with a person that starts their own business only to work long hours, for themselves, at the same "job" they had as an employee. This is called a self employed person, a person that works for himself.

The business person's way of life may not suit you. If you are unmotivated and unwilling to learn new ways of thinking about time and finances you'd be better off with a day job. However, as a single mother, I bet that you think you can do it, and you're right. Many a single mother have built successful businesses that keep working, paying out, even if they go on vacation for a year.

A business person gets to keep using their brain. This is great for a single mother who is constantly exposed to The Cat in the Hat, ten times a day. It is necessary to learn and practice new skills. People skills are Iowa Lemon Laws you want to start your own company you will need to learn how to get along with most adult people (that sometimes act like children). Books are available to learn about and improve basic people skills. These books often contain personality assessments so you can learn access people's behavior quickly in a given situation. Knowing this can help you to determine the best way to interact with them.

Learning about people also enables you to learn more about yourself. Make sure to take any self assessment tests to figure out your own personality type. It could be that you are your own worst enemy at times. Learn how to manage yourself. Your personal success will improve dramatically.

Learn by doing. Being a business person is not as easy as going to school, getting a degree then getting a job. Write down your plan. Find people who have been through a similar experience. If they are willing to help you, you've found a goldmine of mentoring. Perhaps you have something to offer in return or just find and hire a personal business coach. The key is to find a good mentor.

Get a job to learn a particular skill if you have to. Do it just long enough to learn what you need. The pay is not that important because what you gain in knowledge is worth more than the paycheck. Perhaps you can leverage your existing knowledge into you new business. Just don't get caught up in doing it all yourself.You need to get the work done, but not necessarily all by you.

A business person's main goal is to create a fully functioning system that works without their constant involvement. Enjoying the process is also important.Focus your goal on building an asset that generates income for you even after you have stopped working at it. You kids will be proud of you.

Business people's successes are vast. Single mothers have really creative ideas because they have to deal with real problems that need to be solved.The only limit to personal success is your imagination, determination and effort. You really need to think beyond what was taught to you in school.Most education programs are highly deficient in any kind of financial training.So use your brain and it will grow.When you think new thoughts your brain builds new neural pathways, at any age.

If you are not interested in reinventing the wheel, but have lots of determination and drive you can still achieve success. Choose a program that already exists. These programs are set up to generate wealth (time and money). They are already systematized and you can make them work for you by following your mentor's training. If you have a vision, plenty of determination and staying power you are a great candidate for a self made single mother business person.

Lana Hawkins is the author of MomPaysForCollegeMom Pays for College blog. If you're a single mom that needs to finance an education get the free audio and a detailed report covering many ideas on how single moms can earn money for college. Go to howsinglemomscanpayforcollegeFree Report and Audio - How Single Moms Can Pay for College.