
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Management 101 - Managers Are Born Not Made - Delegation Of Work And Responsibilities

It's often said that managers are born and "not made". A management position in the employment ranks is often seen as a reward and prestige in itself. That being said many of the worst candidates for management - in any business, workplace or firm and the very ones promoted to management positions. Why is this so? First of all the employment attributes that made these workers so successful in the first place are often entirely diametrically opposed to their new , prestigious and perhaps better paying , new roles of management. The most successful employees are self motivated employees who "like to get the job done". They are often the lone wolves of any organization. If it comes to it "better to get the job done you". In addition remortgage rates may full well realize how little effort certain tasks take - after all they may have themselves as part of their work many times. As such their patience may wear thin with other employees who they now govern, whom they can well see as lazy, inefficient or ineffective or all of the above. Delegation and delegation of tasks to employees is one such major question and area of concern.

You may well have gone into major retail chains, as a customer or observer. Indeed the major model of Mr. Sam Walton the founder and innovator of the future marketing sales and marketing giant Wal-Mart had as his model - the then major retail player "K-Mart". Mr. Walton, it has been recorded, would stroll K-Mart stores with a voice recorder and camera observing. In fact Mr. Walton had his tools and instruments confiscated at one point. When Mr. Walton explained what he was doing and that (at that point) he was no threat to K-Mart they were actually returned. What Mr. Walton observed was the command and control structure of K-Mart. How it functioned, how it worked. It seemed that K-Mart had both an orderly delegation system. Workers and people were left to "do their jobs". You may wander into a retail store where everything seems to run smoothly. You may wonder - what does the manager do here? He sure has an easy job? In that case the management is doing its job. Its role is not to do the work itself - in essence to delegate the work to its employees. The role of the manager and management is not to cut the key but to hire workers, arrange for training programs to teach them how to cut those keys. As part of the store or business's development, growth and employee training systems self governing "teams "should develop and grow.

These teams of company employees in essence will govern the workers. If an employee does not pull their weight , is disinterested , or not motivated, in most cases it will be the team , not management directly , who will take care of the issue and tell the employee involved either "shape up or ship out". Peer pressure if used properly and appropriately can be a wonderful tool and asset to any employment organization.

This brings us to our summary: Delegation in any enterprise with employees and employment delegation is key. As a manager you may have been trained or it may be your basis of thought that if the work is not done "you should get the work done yourself". In the year 2008 those organizations that will be the most effective and profitable are those in which management follows the adage of "delegation of work responsibilities is best".

Shaun Stevens www.winnipegjobshark.comWinnipeg Job Bank
www.albertajobshark.comAlberta Canada Job Shop

Benefits of Effective Video Marketing

I wanted to share valuable information with people who want to use the internet as a cash making machine for their online business.

Today I am going to focus on the benefits of Effective Video Marketing.

Effective Video Marketing is another way of marketing a product or a service. There are millions of internet users watching submitted videos, so it is a online student loan consolidation way to market your work-at-home business online.

Benefits of using Effective Video Marketing:

a) Sales margins increase by properly structuring videos which puts more money in your work at home pocket.

b) Increases your rankings on top engine pages by Search Engine Optimization.

c) Creates Back Links to your website.

d) Increases Targeted Traffic, people that are really interested in your business, rather than just traffic, those people that are not interested in your business.

e) Creates Viral Marketing which means getting your video out there and spreading it around like word of mouth advertising. When this happens people go to your website and you can start earning money on the internet!

Effective Video Market done consistently brings targeted traffic to your website generating more sales and more money in your pocket!

I hope you find this information valuable. If you take some time and go through these different strategies and understand them more and more people will be visiting your website which then will turn into sales, which is a beautiful thing! Sales is something we all want!

Until next time have a great day and enjoy life!

Laura Hendrix

I live in the Chicagoland area and I am a family-oriented person. I love spending time with my nieces. I also am a fan of wildlife and the outdoors and animals. I have a cute kitty named Ajay!