The Easiest Way To Make A Poor Site Terrific
Do you visit sites like injury lawyers for you Check your bookmarks, are there sites in them that look like yours? Do you remember the sites you raved about or recommended to your friends -- Does any look like your site?
Do you remember the last time you bought a product because a site recommended it? Go look at that site again. Does it have any resemblance to your site?
These are sincere questions you must ask yourself if you really want to get results that will make your time online worth it.
Now, take some time out and look at your site very objectively. Now, are there things about those wonderful sites that are missing in yours? Are there things that you've added to yours that seem to be missing in all of those wonderful sites.
If you find something consistent in all those wonderful sites, then understand that they are not there accidentally. You need them on your site too.
If you find something that is on your site but is consistently absent in all those sites that you've bookmarked, then you have to remove it.
I know you're a genius and think up new dimensions. If that's who you are then make a note of your wonderful idea in your priced idea book. Now, go and make sure you remove it from your site (You can always bring it back later). These ordinary folks don't understand you for now.
You can stick with what you're doing that's producing so-so results or you can look at what's working and replicate it with your twist, of course.
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Chimezirim Odimba helps serious folks succeed online.