
Friday, December 5, 2008

You Make More Money When You Give it Away

It's one of the principles of wealth. And a lot of people hate to hear it but prosperous thinkers believe money returns to them in magnified amounts when it is first given conference call services It's been practiced and proven time and time again but so many of us resist it. Give a try though and it will change your life.

Remember that money is neutral. It has no emotion. It is not the root of all evil. That's a misquote. What is good or bad about money is what the user chooses to do with it.Will you use that twenty bucks to buy some crack cocaine? Or will you fill your gas tank? Or how about give it to a charity? Money is energy and the owner chooses how to use that energy, how to flex his wealth muscle. Many people have difficulties with the idea of money, which comes from their feelings about it.

Where did your feelings about money come from? Your parents? How about TV? Did you even realize that most Hollywood drivel paints money as negative? Ever watch Gilligan's Island? Who's the biggest doofus on the show? The millionaire. What about the Simpsons....evil Mr Burns, right? What about what your kids see? Do they watch Spongebob. Look at how Mr Krabs is portrayed. The guy who provides the only jobs on the show. He's a money grubbing greedy man. The truth is, every self-made millionaire I've ever met is incredinky nice, generous and humble. And they all believe that giving money away was part of their success.

Try this exercise sometime. Give money away to random people. Just put about 10 or 20 Ones in your pocket and give them to random to five at a time. One of two reactions will occur.

The first and most common reaction from a person you give it to will be to refuse it or actually demand to know what you want in return. This reveals their poor view of money. And I guarantee that the person is probably not even aware of it. Regardless of the awareness, they continue to practice the belief of money being bad and so they refuse it, unable to separate their own emotions from the object itself. This keeps large amounts of money coming to them in other parts of their life.

Another reaction is to simply accept it in a good attitude and reply with a thank you.

And while you're at it, observe how you feel about giving the money away. You may learn a lot about yourself.

Timothy Black has been buying and selling on ebay since October of 1997. He has been making a full time living on eBay since November 1998.

You can find out more about Timothy at